Dust & Grooves Photo Exhibit Opening!
The crowd spilling out onto East 5th St
DJ Prestige doing his thing on the ones and twos
A selection of Eilon’s photos, your’s truly (with a little Corner) right in the middle
Northampton, MA represent, DJ Andujar and Bongohead, both photo subjects
The stylish Funky16Corners sticker makes and appearance on a record box!
Greetings all.
While I would not normally spend a blazing hot Friday evening motoring into NYC when I could be lounging around with a cold drink instead, I had to make an exception last night.
My buddies Eilon Paz (photographer) and DJ Prestige (DJ/Blogger) were having an opening for the Dust & Grooves photo exhibition at the Tropicalia In Furs store (on East 5th St in NYC).
If you’re not alraedy hip, Dust & Grooves is an ongoing project wherein Eilon documents the world of record collecting via photo essays. Yours truly was an early subject of his, and a look at the Dust & Grooves site will show you that he has already traveled far and wide in his quest.
Eilon has been all over the US, as well as Israel, France, and Turkey, with plans to cast his net even wider this summer with an extensive tour that he will document in stills, and will be captured on video as well.
The Dust & Grooves site has already touched base with many heavy hitters in the vinyl game (DJs, collectors, documentors, many of whom attended the opening) and the summer trip will be part and parcel of preparation for the creation of a photo book.
They’ve put together a Kickstarter to help fund the project (watch the videos here).
It’s a pleasure to be part of this great project, and it was a gas to be there as it moves on to the next chapter.
See you all on Monday.
Keep the faith
Also, the brand new Funky16Corners ‘Keep Calm and Stay Funky’ stickers have arrived!
The stickers are 4″ x 3″ and printed on high quality, glossy stock.
They are $2.00 each, with free shipping in the US ($2.00 per order shipping outside of the US).
Click here to go to the ordering page.
Also, make sure that you check out the links below to the Be The Match Foundation and POAC (click on the logos for more info).
If you want one of the new Funky16Corners stickers (free, of course) click here for info.
Check out the Funky16Corners Store at Cafe Press
Good seeing you Larry! it was pure pleasure! Thanks for doing what you’re doing!
I really should have paid more attention to the Dust and Grooves summer tour. I mean really, Elion is in New Orleans to interview Brice???? [that’s totally meant as a joke at Brice’s expense].
But seriously, there are some major major piles in the 504 area code. Not to mention the fact that I personally have ten times the number of records his only other female subject has….just sayin’.
Not that I care about self-promotion of anything. Right?